Word Find Puzzle

This is a classical word find game, where a list of Russian words is hidden within the field of random letters. Russian words may be hidden either horizontally or vertically. You can find the list of words to find under the game field.

If you find a word, you need to click at one end of the hidden word and drag the mouse to the end of the word, or just click its initial and final letters (or vice versa). When a word is found, it is highlighted with red, and you can see a checkmark near this word (or its translation) in the “Words to find” list.

There are the following settings of the game:

Topic: you can choose one of the vocabulary topics available on our website
Words direction: you can choose the direction of the hidden words. Now, they can be hidden either horizontally or vertically, and only forward. Later, we are going to provide an option to hide words horizontally and vertically, so that the puzzle could be more interesting for advanced learners.
Music and sounds: this option allows you to switch on or turn off the soundtrack and sounds of the game.
Animation: this option allows to switch on or turn off the animation of the game
Language: the hidden list of words is always in Russian, but you can choose the language of the “Words to find” list – Russian or English.

Recommendations for the users:

– For beginners in Russian, we recommend to use the horizontal direction of the hidden words and to set the “Language” option as “Russian – Russian”.
– For advanced users, we recommend to use the vertical direction of the hidden words and to set the “Language” option as “English – Russian”.
– If you are using Internet Explorer, the slowest web browser, we recommend to turn off the animation and close the information panel. These visual effects may not work properly in IE.The game works fine in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. It is also possible to play the game in Safari on iPhone, by clicking the first and the last letters of the hidden words.

The page on the  main website: Word Find Puzzle

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